
The landmarks window - probably the most useful among HUD windows - provides a clear overview of the surrounding objects.

Objects tab

This is where the information about the world around you is shown. The first column holds the icon of the object to help quick object recognition. (The map uses many of the same icons.)

Next to the icon stands the name, type, distance (in meters) and direction of the object. The effect column tells you which kind of electronic effect your enemy is using against you at the moment.

Landmark symbols


  • 1. Light robot
  • 2. Assault robot
  • 3. Mech
  • 4. Heavy mech
  • 5. Terminal
  • 6. Teleport
  • 7. Container
  • 8. Waypoint
  • 9. Miscellaneous target
  • 10. Secondary target
  • 11. Primary target
  • 12. You are locked by this target
  • 13. You are primary locked by this target
  • 14. PVP Flag
  • 15. Aggression
  • 16. Squad member
  • 17. Corporation member
  • 18. Conglomerate member
  • 19. NPC "loot right" tag

Filter tab

A crowded area with loads of objects can turn the landmarks window into a tangled mass of data. Use the filters to turn off certain types of objects, to make the overview map clearer.

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